Archive for Welcome

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If you’re following CalorieFactory – well, thank you, you didn’t have to do that but we sure appreciate it.

If you like what you’re seeing (and we have many plans in the works for more stories, more people and some awesome contributing editors) – well, please take a moment and suggest to your friends that they consider following Calorie Factory. You’ll be glad you did. And – no question at all – *we’ll* be extremely grateful.

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CalorieFactory: Great Stories, Great Recipes

Cultures, countries, communities, families, individuals – we all have our own comfort foods, special dishes, and traditional preparations that make us think of  where we’ve been, what we love, and who we are.

CalorieFactory is filled with great stories and great recipes from foodies, chefs, cooks, BBQ mavens, and other folks who love life, culture, and food.

Have a story to tell? Your grandmother’s noodles? Your Bubbe’s brisket? Your cravings for the foods of your childhood? Your funny uncle’s BBQ? The dinner party that nearly went awry – but didn’t?

Join us. You’re in the right place. CalorieFactory.

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